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Local Businesses


State and Local Governments can assist local businesses by providing them with the data they need to optimise how they run their operations. For example data such foot traffic patterns, local expenditure, demographics, competition, redevelopment plans are all data that can assist local businesses with optimising opening hours, staffing or even deciding whether or not to open a new business in a certain area. Such data is also valuable for local residents to understand what businesses are around them and to consume local.

The below examples illustrate how some of our towns and cities are supporting local businesses and residents by providing them localised data and self-service visualisation tools.

Sample real-life case studies

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Contact Us

Please get in touch to discuss your data ideas, for a demo or to create your trial environment.

  • Peclet Technology Pty. Ltd.
  • Email: info@peclet.com.au
  • Phone: +61 (0) 406 546 286
  • LinkedIn: Peclet Technology
  • Address: Level 8, 31/11 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
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